ENTO Station 이용과 관련된 자주 묻는 질문과 답변 리스트 입니다.

  • 전체
  • Keeping
  • Reservation
  • Refunding
  • How can I deposit my luggage at the hotel?

    Make a reservation on our site, and when you check out the hotel, tell the front desk, "I'll use the Ento baggage service to pick it up," and leave it with your name.

  • I'd like to keep my luggage, but what time is it?

    The use time of the baggage storage service is limited to our business hours (9 to 22:00) If the time is exceeded, the surcharge will be applied. If you are late without contacting us, you can pick up your luggage in time for the next day's opening hours.

  • I'd like to cancel/refund it.

    We'll give you a 100% refund by 21:00 on the previous day of service use. You can get a 90% refund if you cancel it by 20 o'clock the day before the service day. You can cancel the reservation after that or for the same day, but you cannot refund it.

  • I'd like to make a reservation for the day or other areas, but I can't make a reservation through the website.

    Call 051-746-9955 / 010-4747-9956 for a day reservation or other area. I'll let you know if it's possible. You can visit in person.

  • When can I make a reservation?

    You can book until 21:00 the day before the day you want to use.

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